Efficiency of White Mustard Cooperative Farming Production and Socio-Economic Factors Affecting (Case in Tulungrejo Village, Batu City), Indonesia

Laila Nur Hafiidha, Syafrial Syafrial, Rosihan Asmara


The inefficiency of white mustard growers in allocating input might lead to low productivity and, ultimately, lower production. This research aims to analyze the level of technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, economic efficiency and socioeconomic factors that influence the technical inefficiency of white mustard farming. The research location is Tulungrejo Village, Batu City. Respondents totaling 67 farmers were selected using the simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), assuming input-oriented VRS and Tobit Regression. The research results show that the average total technical efficiency is (CRSTE = 0.774), (VRSTE = 0.949), (SE = 0.819), the average allocative efficiency is 0.896, and the average economic efficiency is 0.851. Socioeconomic factors influencing the technical inefficiency of white mustard farming are the number of family members and land ownership.


data envelopment analysis; production efficiency; white mustard

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