KOMTEKS: Komputer dan Teknologi Sains Journal is a journal for all fields of computers, technological developments and science. Articles resulting from research and scientific studies related to the field of computers and science technology can be submitted to the Komteks journal, and will be reviewed by experts according to the field of study. KOMTEKS Journal are focusing on publishing original research, communication, and notes as a result of original and high-quality research. The journal also invites well-known researchers to write a review paper. KOMTEKS Journal is managed to be issued twice in every volume (April and October).
This KOMTEKS E-Journal only covers Volume 1 onwards.
Previous volumes can be accessed on the following page:
Volume 1
E-ISSN: 2964-5247
No Charges for Processing(APcs) and Submission.

Vol 4, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Hanum Alifiya, Jessica Elaine Utomo, Herna Putri Kusuma, Dissa Khansa Azzahra, Pratama Angga Buana
Angga Lutviansyah, Kevin Adi Pratama, Sulthan Haidar Raafi, Aaliyah Putri Shafira Panyol, Pratama Angga Buana
Dinda Shafira Maharani, Samuel Permana Putra, Afit Fajar Prasetyo, Pratama Angga Buana
Fakhri Faizza Zainuddin, Fransiskus Chrisma Eka P, Pradana Sanggya Dhyaksa, Muhammad Brillian Ardiansyah, Pratama Angga Buana
Nabil Daffa Arisyi, Fendi Maulana Haykal, Dwi Iwan Setiawan, Rendy Agustian Ma’sum, Pratama Angga Buana
Made Santo Gitakarma, Ketut Udy Ariawan, Gede Indrawan, I Gede Made Surya Bumi Pracasitaram